Export Market Development Grants (EMDG)

Export Market Development Grant

EMDG Round 4

Applications closed


As you would be aware from our December email, applications for Round 4 closed on the following dates: 

  • Representative bodies, opened 10am AEDT on 6 November 2024 and closed 5pm AEDT on 20 December 2024.
  • Tier 1 – ready to export, opened 10am AEDT on 12 November 2024 and closed 5pm AEDT on 20 December 2024.
  • Tier 2 – exporting within existing markets, opened 10am AEDT on 12 November 2024 and closed 1:30pm AEDT on 12 November 2024.

Tier 3 – exporting to new key markets, opened 10am AEDT on 12 November 2024 and closed 5pm AEDT on 20 December 2024.

EMDG changes

EMDG has changed following extensive reviews, analysis and stakeholder consultation.

  • We expect to offer approximately 1,900 grants in Round 4 in total across the tiers.
  • Maximum grant amounts are set at a meaningful level per grant tier and are outlined in the Grant Guidelines. Grant amounts will be known in advance.
  • Applications will be assessed and grants will be offered in the order we receive applications.

A grant round will close once the available funding is allocated to eligible applicants. This change, which is consistent with other commonwealth grant programs, means it is possible that not all applicants will receive funding.

Eligibility criteria has changed

Eligibility criteria for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) has changed to better reflect characteristics of successful exporters.

Changes include:

  • minimum annual business turnover requirements per grant tier. These are:
    • Tier 1 – more than $100,000 per year
    • Tier 2 – more than $500,000 per year
    • Tier 3 – more than $1 million per year.
  • SMEs must show capacity to spend at least $20,000 on marketing and promotional activities per financial year. This must be exclusive of the grant amount. It must be the applicant’s own money and not come from another government grant.
  • grants in Tier 3 are designed to encourage more experienced exporters to target key markets and take on broader opportunities for market diversification. Austrade, with business input, has a list of 27 identified key markets for Tier 3 applicants.

What is Export Market Development Grants (EMDG)?

Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) are a financial assistance program designed by the Australian government to support small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in promoting their products and services internationally.


The EMDG program aims to encourage Australian businesses to develop export markets by reimbursing a portion of their eligible export promotion expenses. This helps businesses expand their international presence and competitiveness.


To be eligible for an EMDG, a business must:

  1. Be an Australian individual, partnership, company, association, co-operative, statutory corporation, or trust.
  2. Have a turnover of less than AUD 20 million for the financial year before the application.
  3. Be exporting or promoting goods or services, including inbound tourism, intellectual property, or know-how outside of Australia.

Eligible Expenses

The EMDG program reimburses up to 50% of eligible export promotion expenses above a certain threshold, up to a specified limit. Eligible expenses include:

  1. Overseas representation.
  2. Marketing consultants.
  3. Marketing visits.
  4. Communications.
  5. Free samples.
  6. Trade fairs, seminars, and in-store promotions.
  7. Promotional literature and advertising.
  8. Overseas buyers.
  9. Registration and insurance of eligible intellectual property.

Application Process

  1. Registration: Businesses must first register online and complete a self-assessment to confirm eligibility.
  2. Submission: Submit an application through the EMDG portal with detailed records of eligible expenses.
  3. Assessment: Austrade reviews the application and may request additional information or conduct an audit.
  4. Payment: If approved, the grant is paid out in two stages – an initial payment and a final payment, depending on the available funds and the number of applications received.

Grant Limits

The EMDG program has a tiered structure with different levels of funding based on the number of years a business has participated in the program:

  • Tier 1: New to Export – For businesses in their first two years of the EMDG program.
  • Tier 2: Expanding – For businesses that have received grants in the past but are still expanding their export activities.
  • Tier 3: Export Growth – For businesses that are well-established exporters and are looking to grow further.

Each tier has specific funding limits and requirements.

Additional Information

  • Deadlines: Applications are typically accepted once a year, and deadlines must be adhered to strictly.

The EMDG program is a vital tool for Australian SMEs looking to expand their global reach. It provides much-needed financial support to offset the costs associated with international marketing and promotion.

NOTE : There are no grant rounds currently open for applications. The EMDG information on the Austrade website applies to Rounds 1, 2 and 3. It will not apply to Round 4. Amended rules are expected to apply to Round 4 of EMDG. Austrade will communicate all changes when the program details, including guidelines, are finalised and released. Round 4 is likely to open in late 2024 or early 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

​Frequently Asked Questions

Which Tier do I apply for?

It is up to the business to determine which grant Tier would work best and most strategically for it (within the requirements of the Rules) based on what it is currently doing and what it proposes to do, and whether they can meet the obligations of that tier.

Making strategic use of the Tiers

While the Tiers are designed to reflect a traditional growing export business, you can apply for any Tier level that suits your organisation if you meet the criteria.

You do not have to progress through each Tier in any particular order.

You do not have to utilise the 8 years of funding available consecutively: you can take a break and come back when you need it.

Things to think about

The Tiers are designed so that you can access EMDG at critical times during your unique export journey. In deciding which Tier to apply for, you need to think strategically about when is the most appropriate time to apply for a particular Tier. Some helpful questions to ask yourself:

  • Should I take a break from EMDG funding until my business is ready for the next stage in my export journey?
  • Is now the best time to consolidate my current market? If yes, it might be advantageous for your business to wait until you are ready to expand or make a strategic shift.
  • Am I ready to invest more into marketing to expand my market or diversify my markets (remembering that you are obliged to match the funding provided by Austrade dollar for dollar)?
  • What promotional activities do I want to do differently or more of?

Who is an eligible person?

Most Australian businesses will be eligible persons.

To be eligible for a grant you must be an eligible kind of person within the meaning of the EMDG Rules, being one of the following:

  • an individual whose principal place of residence is in Australia
  • a body incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001
  • an association, or cooperative, incorporated under an Australian law
  • a partnership that is Australian, that is if the partnership was formed and operates under a law of a State or Territory, and at least half the partners are Australian persons
  • a trust that is Australian within the meaning of the EMDG Rules, that is the trustee, or each trustee, of the trust is an Australian person
  • a body corporate established for a public purpose by or under an Australian law
  • a representative body.

How do you measure a turnover of less than $20 million?

If you are an SME exporter, at the time you apply for a grant you must also:

  • have a turnover for the last financial year (2020–21) of less than $20 million (annual turnover is the total ordinary income that you derive in the income year in the course of running your business).

This is an explanation of the EMDG Rules at section 10 Eligibility conditions for applicants other than representative bodieswhich requires the following condition to be satisfied by a person other than a representative body, at the time the person applies for a grant:

The person’s turnover for the financial year before the financial year in which the application is made is less than $20,000,000.

Do you have an example of a strategic shift?

Please see expanding and strategic shift for two examples of strategic shift.

What does exporting mean?

We will interpret exporting broadly.

A good indication that you are exporting is evidence of having exported recently (with 1 July 2020 a sound indicator of you having exported recently).

We will also consider other evidence including:

  • Contracts in place with offshore buyers
  • Agreement or memorandums of understanding with offshore buyers to sell or market your product
  • Evidence of current negotiations with offshore buyers for the sale of your products
  • Evidence (whether in your plan to market or otherwise) to show you are currently actively engaged in exporting, for example of active customer engagement with a realistic prospect of resulting sales (as demonstrated by evidence such as the capacity to produce and deliver your export product)
  • Any other evidence

Each application will be judged on its merits and the individual circumstances of the applicant. This should not be taken as a guarantee that your application will be assessed as satisfying this requirement of the EMDG legislation. However, your explanation will be considered as part of the overall application assessment process.

What are the caps?

You can receive EMDG grants for 8 financial years.

You can only receive a total of $770,000 under the EMDG program. The cap of $770,000 refers to money received, NOT money applied for.

If I have already received 8 EMDG grants, can I still apply for this new program?

If you have received EMDG grants for 8 financial years since 1 July 1990 you have reached your cap of 8 years and are not eligible for the 2021-22 EMDG grant round.

How does matching funding work?

Your grant agreement will say how much you grant is for. You must match this funding.

(2) The grant agreement must include terms and conditions that:

(a) have the effect of requiring the grantee to spend the grant money, as well as at least a matching amount of the grantee’s own money, on eligible expenses of the grantee in relation to eligible products

Can I ask for my grant agreement to be varied to a higher amount if I spend more?

Austrade will not vary the amount of an agreement in a way that will result in a higher payment as the funding pool available for each Tier is fully allocated at the time of entering into grant agreements.

If I receive money from the reimbursement scheme in FY2021-22 how does that affect my grant agreement entered into in FY2021-22?

Your payment will be reduced to the extent that you would exceed the overall caps. Your grant agreement will state:

For the avoidance of doubt, the Commonwealth may reduce a payment in accordance with Rule 48(3) in the circumstances where the Grantee is eligible for a final payment under the outgoing reimbursement program that would result in the Grantee receiving more than the cap on total grants payable.

Can I apply for a one year grant agreement?

No. Austrade will offer you the maximum term for your Tier unless:

  • The maximum will mean you exceed your caps (8 years or $770,000)

What is the process and timeline for reviewing applications?

Section 7.2 of the 2021-22 Grant Guidelines states:

You must submit your application between the published opening and closing dates (16 August to 5pm AEDT 30 November 2021). We cannot accept late applications.

We will endeavour to assess your application and advise you of the outcome within 10 weeks of the closing date. At this time, we will provide you with a grant agreement for you to sign.


What is the profit and loss statement for?


Applicant Attachment Why do we need it?
SME exporters – all tiers 2020–21 Profit and Loss Statement To substantiate that your turnover is less than $20 million.

Are there limits to each expense category?

There will be upper spending limits for travel costs including accommodation, flights and daily allowances. This will be set out in your grant agreement and will be more reflective of the true cost to SMEs than previously.

There are no upper limits to other expense categories. Businesses can choose the best way to market their business.

Each grant agreement will state the upper limit for your overall grant in each financial year. If you spend more than matched funding for this limit you will not receive further grant money.

What has changed from the previous scheme?

The following information will be particularly relevant for those familiar with the previous EMDG reimbursement scheme.

EMDG is now a forward looking grant program. Many concepts necessary under the reimbursement scheme are no longer necessary and have not be incorporated into the grant program.

The most important starting point for you in understanding the new processes for the EMDG grant program is the 2021-22 Grant Guidelines . When filling out your application please refer to these guidelines to assist you.


There is no pre-approval process in the EMDG grants program.


Audit processes were relevant to the EMDG reimbursement scheme. The grant program will follow Commonwealth grant processes.

You will be asked for further information upon receipt of milestone reports if the assessor considers further information is needed. You will not receive a milestone payment until Austrade accepts the milestone report.

Will an applicant have to show how they will be able to match funding at application stage?

No. At the milestone reporting stage an applicant will demonstrate that they have provided matched funding.

Related Entities

The requirements concerning related entities that have been translated into the grant program concern:

A designated connection to goods

27 Designated connection to eligible product


(1) A person has a designated connection to an eligible product that is goods if:

(a) the person, or a related entity of the person, owns the goods; or

(b) the person, or a related entity of the person, owns, or holds an exclusive licence for, one or more intellectual property rights in relation to the goods; or

(c) the person is a representative body and members of the represented group have a designated connection to the goods within the meaning of paragraph (a) or (b).


The assessment of caps:

When assessing whether you have reached either the 8-year cap or the $770,000 cap on total grant funding available to you under EMDG, Austrade will include the grants of another grantee where Austrade considers organisational restructuring activity has occurred that means you are, in substance conducting the business the previous grantee conducted. This is done by assessing whether your business is similar in substance to a previous EMDG grantee (including a grantee that has ceased to exist)

These assessments of caps are reviewable decisions.

I am confused about how matched funding works now

The grant agreement will specify the maximum grant amount per financial year. You must, match at the minimum, the dollar value of the grant monies they receive.

If you spend more, you will not receive more grant money. If you spend less, you will only receive an amount equal to the amount you contributed.

For example, if your grant agreement states that you are able to access $60,000 in a given financial year, you must match that amount in order to receive the full amount in your grant agreement.

In other words, the total amount spent on marketing activities must be at least $120,000 in that financial year in order for you to receive a $60,000 milestone payment.

Please note this amount is the maximum you will receive for that financial year. If you spend $100,000 on eligible activities in that financial year, you will receive $50,000 through the milestone payment.

If you spend more than $120,000, for example $140,000, you can only receive up to the maximum $60,000 grant amount as per your grant agreement.

New Zealand

Expenses with respect to trade with New Zealand are not eligible expenses.